Frequently Ask Question (FAQ)


Is it OK for the software project to accept donations?
Yes. The rule states that the software itself must be free, however, it is acceptable for the developer to ask for donation, provide paid support and the like.
It is even OK if a paid version exists. However, the award is given only to the free version. Therefore none of the feature and functionality of paid version will be considered when evaluating the software for an award.


I really think this software project should win the award.
Great, we love to hear about it. Use the nomination form to make your recommendation. Be sure to state why you think the software project should receive the award. Whether or not this software project will receive the award is up to the discretion of the award committee.

Award Recipient

What happens when I win the award?
The award committee will email you (the software project lead) and congratulate you to winning the award. The email will have your pdf award certificate enclosed. We will also notify you of the amount you are being awarded and ask you for the email address we should use for the PayPal transfer. We will never ask you for any bank information.
PayPal payments will come in $100 increments directly from each award committee member. So if you won $300 you will receive three PayPal payments from different people. This is done to simplify handling and avoid mismanagement of the award money.

Award Committee

What are the benefit and obligation of being an award committee member?
Supporting innovative, free and open amateur radio software is the main benefit of being a committee member. Choosing who wins this year's Amateur Radio Software Award is another benefit.
The committee can accommodate committee members who choose not to be involved in the award recipient selection. Just be sure to communicate that to the other committee members.
Committee members that are involved with the award recipient selection must make every effort such that the committee as a whole comes to an agreement.
Every committee member is required to provide $100 per year to the award recipient(s).
Are there term limits for committee members?
I would like to join the award committee.
Great, we love to have more members. Contact the award committee via the contact form.


Is the Amateur Radio Software Award a non-profit?
Yes and no. We don't make money so in that sense we are a non-profit. However, we are not registered as a non-profit organization in any country. Right now doing so would add more cost than benefits.